We all love to watch the home rehab shows on TV and see what kind of disasters the workers incur. As a home inspector, there are still some interesting things we see, but we will just admit to the chances of a future TV show following a home inspector is rare. Below are some of the sights we've encountered when inspecting homes for real estate transactions, both the gorgeous and the yikes-inducing.

Water damage found around a bathroom ceiling vent.

Missing extension at the base of gutter downspout.

Visible window seal failure.

More extensive window seal failure.

The floor joist in this basement is way overnotched.

Rust in an electrical box is never a good thing.

A bathroom vented to an attic is a good way to grow mold.

If you can see the rafters in the attic, it's not enough insulation.

That's a well insulated attic.

Exposed wire in an open electrical box is an easy fix.

Corrugated drain tube is easy to install. Not always easy to de-clog.

This is how you know a sump pump isn't doing what it's supposed to do.

Electrical boxes should always be closed and hot wires covered.

Knob and tube wiring is not something you see everyday. Maybe have an electrician review this for safety.